Friday, May 25, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Our Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Weekend!

Unfortunately on Thursday Mallory came down with hand foot and mouth. It has been going through her daycare. Even more unfortunate is that she only got the "mouth" part of the disease meaning she has sores all over her throat :(  She has been a trooper since there is nothing you can really do for it except wait it out. Friday and Saturday were tough though today she is feeling better. It is still hard to get her to drink and eat-she is living on ice cream right now. She is just getting this all out of her system before her birthday! So the first two pictures are Saturday and the last two are Sunday.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

We are finally back!

We were having a terrible time with our camera the past few months and it finally completely stopped working a couple of weeks ago. We now have a new camera (Happy Mothers/Fathers Day!) so I promise to be much better about getting some pictures up on the blog! I don't want to get a reputation like my sister! Happy Mother's Day!!!