Saturday, December 25, 2010


Mallory got a new toy from Santa that will turn into a music station once she stands, but for right now she can play with it while she is sitting. She wanted everyone to check out her pjs....and her before and after stocking pictures!


Thank you Grandma Palmer for my Raggedy Ann and Andy. Thank you Grammy for my bib and Babcie for my hat. The last picture is with ALL my toys!

Christmas Eve

We decided to start a tradition of Mallory opening a gift on Christmas Eve (Christmas PJs and a book). Though she doesn't have her new PJs on in this picture (she had to get dressed for a party!) she did read Twas the Night Before Christmas with Daddy. Then it was off the party!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Big Holiday Weekend

Mallory went to get her tree on Saturday morning. Grammy came Saturday afternoon and brought Mallory her birth sampler (thanks Grammy) and the signaling flags that spell out her name (thanks Grandpa). She sat on the rocking horse that Mommy got for her first Christmas, decorated the tree and helped Daddy put up the star. It was a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Mallory had her first taste of cereal today-oatmeal as the doctor recommended. She didn't have too much of a reaction-most of the cereal ended up on her bib but it is a start! Bruno was an excellent supervisor.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A picture with my boyfriend!


Mallory had a wonderful weekend in Albany. She was such a good girl letting everyone spend time with her. She loved playing with Mackenzie and getting LOTS of attention.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend Visit

Thank you for coming to see us this weekend Aunt Sheila and Uncle Dave! Mallory can officially fit into her "big girl" stroller now so we went for a very cold walk. She wasn't sure what to think about facing forward and seeing everything in front of her! Uncle Dave loved that Daddy found his old Hulk Hogan figure-he is hoping it will be Mallory's favorite. We loved having them here.

Friday, November 5, 2010

5 Months Old!!!!

Sorry I didn't get these up earlier-the week just got away from me! Mallory continues to be a challenge to photograph-she instantly stops smiling when she sees the camera! As you can see she was also much more interested in the sign than she was her Mommy during the photo session. I think next month she is going to be bigger than the bear! Mallory rolled from her belly to her back 3 times last Friday....and she hasn't done it since.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our Ladybug

Mallory didn't cooperate very well for pictures today-I think the costume sort of threw her off! She wasn't sure what to think about it. As you can see we didn't get ANY smiles but she still looked pretty cute! We went to Karen and Kenny's house and saw Tartie but as you see from the last post she wasn't a happy camper by the end of the visit! Daddy also taught her the importance of eggs and toilet paper on Halloween!